I am Guilty of These - Fandoms and Fictional Friends!

I have a confession.

My heart was crushed when Sirius Black, Dumbledore, Fred Weasley and Remus Lupin died in Harry Potter books. I hated Suzanne Collins for having to kill Finnick and Primrose in the Hunger Games trilogy. I googled for every logical explanation as to why the TV writers of The Vampire Diaries had to let Alaric die at the end of season 3. I wanted to kill Amanda myself when her evilness was too much to handle in Nikita.

I hate to admit it, but I am guilty of both the "fandoms" and "fictional friends" videos below. Just watch them to see what I mean. :)


"There should really be a fandom rehab", suggests Dan. Can't imagine myself getting admitted to this hall, but it would be fun to mingle with people who share with my obsessions, too! Actually the thought of it excites me already! *crazy, i know*

 Fictional Friends 

Who doesn't have fictional friends?! Even kids once imagined that Spider-Man was their secret best friend. Anyone who doesn't have fictional friends has never read a book or has never watched any TV series. EVER! *Justification of a paranoid fan*

"Fiction is where the true danger lies because it takes you away from the real world, which mostly sucks."

Whatever. I thank my good friend Ailyn for introducing me to this youtube channel - Danisnotonfire. I haven't watched all of his vids yet, but the two vids I shared here speak best of my unspoken addictions. Wahahahahaha!

Please tell me I'm not alone in this. :)


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